Saturday, August 23, 2008

How Could I forget

My boy Drew needed a logo so here it is...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Way early stuff

All this stuff is way early hope you enjoy

So I have thought about it...

I think I am going to use this site for more than just a portfolio hub. I don't get to show off my work as much as I would like, but I do get to live my life way more than I should be allowed to. So this will be a more personal, deliciouses nibble of how the Weed gets down from day to day. I am not saying I will update everyday but if something I think is worth a post than you will know what you missed out on. But feel free to post comments on how bad you wish you were there, I know I would..

Smallie...more like Hugie

So a buddy and I went fishing the other weekend and Wes dragged this fat momma in...

21.5" 6-7lbs, we tipped the scales on my tackle box scale that is meant for nothing of that magnitude.

I have things

I live with a super sweet dog. Her rent is way cheaper than mine as long as her beard stays as rich as it feels. Garsh I love her super blue tags!

The Valai Lama

I did this shirt for buddy in Milwauke for his pathetically bad volleyball team. No mater their success rate, I still try to make them look better than they will ever be, BOOSH!